Four Foods to Beat Insomnia

Getting good sleep is incredibly important for your overall health, not just your mental health. It may reduce your risk of developing certain chronic illnesses, keep your brain healthy, and boost your immune system. It’s generally recommended that you get between 7...

Four Tips to Handle a Break-Up

Author: Gina Stokes, Lindsey Wilson College practicum student Date: September 10, 2021 Relationship breakups can cause feelings of anxiety as well as sadness, grief, and anger for one or both people in the relationship. While there may also be positive feelings of...

How to Kick Seasonal Depression

Written by Beth Willis, MA, LPCA Do you find yourself struggling with an overwhelming sense of sadness and depression during the winter months?  You aren’t alone! An estimated 10 million Americans experience increased feelings of melancholy, a lack of energy and a...

COVID Fatigue is Real!

Here we are, nine months into the Coronavirus pandemic and I am EXHAUSTED! And, according to my clients, they are EXHAUSTED, too! (I’m guessing you are as well.) This is not just “it’s been a long day” exhausted; this is the kind of exhausted...